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David ArmourSubject: Import validation errors
Author: David Armour
Date: 16 Dec 2008 12:47 PM

The attached schema declares a prefix for one namespace. There are two schemas in that namespace that are imported. Stylus only recognizes the first import statement and does not look for the types in the second import statement. I have tested this be reversing the order of the import statements and it is always the 2nd import that the types are not found in.

When I open this schema in XMLSpy it validates just fine. Also, I can't find anywhere on the W3C where this would be improper. Why can't there be multiple schemas imported all in the same namespace? What is the issue here?


Schema with import validation errors

(Deleted User) Subject: Import validation errors
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 17 Dec 2008 08:38 AM
Hi David,
the default validator used by Stylus, Xerces-C++, follows an advice contained in the XML Schema specs (paragraph 4.2.1, where a note says: "the above is carefully worded so that multiple <include>ing of the same schema document will not constitute a violation of clause 2 of Schema Properties Correct (3.15.6), but applications are allowed, indeed encouraged, to avoid <include>ing the same schema document more than once to forestall the necessity of establishing identity component by component"). The advice calls for a one-to-one mapping between a namespace schema and a schema source; you could achieve this by writing a wrapper schema (e.g. Enterprise.xsd) including both Email.xsd and MimeEmail.xsd, and importing just the root schema.

Hope this helps,

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