Subject:Pipe delimited flat file conversion help Author:Jeff Neven Date:21 Nov 2008 06:18 PM Originally Posted: 21 Nov 2008 06:12 PM
Hello everyone. Im relatively new to stylus and the custom xml conversion capabilities. I am attempting to convert the attached text file to xml. When I am creating my conversion file I keep getting regions that I would like to have removed. I would like to have the root node and then subsequent rows first matching the text file and then rows at the end with field matching on the XIQV and OIQV row.
I have attached the input file the .conv file as well as what the desired output should look like.
I would like to know if this is even possible and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Subject:Pipe delimited flat file conversion help Author:(Deleted User) Date:02 Dec 2008 06:29 AM
Hi Jeff,
if you want to remove the <region> element in the output, between the <root> and the <row> elements, just write an empty string in the "Region Element Name" property in the property window, under the Region Type category, for each defined region.