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Geoffrey NuttingSubject: generate report from .xsl file?
Author: Geoffrey Nutting
Date: 29 Oct 2008 04:11 PM

I can't seem to figure out how to save the preview html report that a .xsl file produces if its a file I've modified to clear up errors I'd made. I can generate a report & save it if I make the initial cut at the report with the report generator, and then generate it with 'generate', but if I have to 'fix it up' I can't get it to work.

Could you give me any insights on how to approach this annoying problem?

Thanks a lot,

Jeff Nutting

(Deleted User) Subject: generate report from .xsl file?
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 30 Oct 2008 10:48 AM
Hi Geoffrey,
I'm not sure I have understood your question; are you asking how you can save the HTML generated by running an XSLT transformation? In this case you can either write the output file name in the scenario dialog for the XSLT, in the "Output URL" edit box, so that the file is written automatically, or manually save the content of the preview window by clicking on the "Save Preview" toolbar button located in the preview window itself.

Hope this helps,

Geoffrey NuttingSubject: generate report from .xsl file?
Author: Geoffrey Nutting
Date: 30 Oct 2008 12:27 PM
Hi Alberto,

Thanks - both of the options you gave worked. My problem was basically because I couldn't save the output manually with 'Save Preview'. I was later able to get save the output to the file mentioned in the output field.


Jeff Nutting

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