Subject:Does Stylus Studio support the following? Author:mk ss Date:24 Sep 2008 03:43 AM
We are developing a product to generate invoices for a wireline operator. The input is ready in XML format. The output is required to be in PDF, which for sure Stylus studio supports.
We would like to know if Stylus Studio formatter can support the following requirements
1. Tables with borders but the corners of the boxes need to be round, meaning with some radius.
2. Page number to appear only on even pages
3. Invoice information would contain call records where the customer has made the calls. This information need to rollover from one page to another should ensure the table borders are rounded and completed on each page
4. Bar code depending on number of pages. If the total number of pages is less than 6 then the bar code is different compared if the number of pages is more than 6.
5. Clients number to appear on each call detail page for a large account connection
6. Table border in color
7. Water Mark and Image to be embedded
8. Each connection of a large account to start on a odd page only. THIS IS VERY MANDATORY. In short does the Stylus Studio has the intelligence to understand pages.
9. Information in Arabic
Subject:Does Stylus Studio support the following? Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:30 Sep 2008 09:58 AM
Stylus Studio XML Publisher allows to design reports against XML data sources, it covers part of your requirements but you may need to edit the XSL-FO manually to complete your task.