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Harvey FreySubject: How to delete a file from a project?
Author: Harvey Frey
Date: 28 Aug 2008 02:33 PM
I had a file in a project, and I no longer want it, so I deleted it from the disk. However, it remains in the file list for the project. I want to remove it from the file list.

In the 'file' menu, there is no delete option, and the 'close' option merely complains that the file doesn't exist.

In the 'edit' menu, there is no delete option, and the 'cut' option is grayed.

In the 'project' menu, the "remove item" option does nothing.

The delete key does nothing.

How can I get rid of it? If I can't, how can I delete the whole project and start with a blank slate?

Minollo I.Subject: How to delete a file from a project?
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 28 Aug 2008 02:44 PM
Is the project node you are trying to remove under the "Other Documents" folder? In that case you can't remove an individual node from that folder; that folder get automatically emptied when all open documents in Stylus are closed. "Other Documents" is basically a list of references to URIs that are being used or have been used in the tool and that are not part of your actual project (your actual project is what you save doing Project > Save Project). To close all the documents corresponding to nodes in the "Other Documents" section (and as a result emptying/removing the Other Documents section), you can right click on the Other Documents folder and select "Close Other Documents".

If the project node is not under "Other Documents", then just right click on it and select "Remove from Project". The Delete key or the corresponding item under the Project menu will obtain the same result.

Project > New Project lets you create an completely new project; but, again, that does not affect the "Other Documents" section; only the actual current project.

Harvey FreySubject: How to delete a file from a project?
Author: Harvey Frey
Date: 28 Aug 2008 04:14 PM
Thanks Minolo!

Yes, it was in the 'other folders' list.

And I thought I had tried everything. :-)

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