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Steve DealSubject: W3C schema for enumerated taxonomy? (labeled graph)
Author: Steve Deal
Date: 26 Jun 2008 03:07 PM
I am not new to W3C schema but I have a problem that has me stumped. I am working on a schema that needs to specify a taxonomy that categorizes content values based on the values of other categories. Right now we are enforcing the taxonomy through the UI form of the editing tool but we want the XML editing tool to use the schema to enforce the categorization.

Example using food groups:
Possible Category1 values: Fruit, Vegetable, Grains, Dairy, Meat
Possible Category2 values for Fruit: Apple, Blueberry, Peach, etc.
Possible Category3 values for Fruit-Apple: Empire, McIntosh, Red Delicious

Examples of XML resulting from the schema:



The schema would prevent invalid categorization values such as:

1 - Is it possible to do this with W3C Schema? (Or am I wasting my time?)
2 - Must I create a complexType for each node in the hierarchy?

Any pointers or suggestions on how to describe this problem is greatly appreciated. I can search for solutions if I know the proper terminology to describe the problem.

(Deleted User) Subject: W3C schema for enumerated taxonomy? (labeled graph)
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 08 Jul 2008 06:44 AM
Hi Steve,
XMLSchema 1.0 does not allow to create co-occurrence constraints; XMLSchema 1.1 introduced some of the features you need, but it is still at the Working Draft level.


Steve DealSubject: W3C schema for enumerated taxonomy? (labeled graph)
Author: Steve Deal
Date: 08 Jul 2008 10:28 AM
Thank you for responding.
I feared as much and I have resigned myself to using the UI to enforce the taxonomy constraints.

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