Subject:XSLT Mapper "forgetting" settings Author:Patterson Waltz Date:23 Jun 2008 07:08 AM
I am currently using Stylus Studio 2008 Enterprise (1147c) to map between two XSDs using the XSLT Mapper tab. I have set up a project which contains the XSLT, the source and target XSDs and XML files to be used by my scenarios.
When I save the project, close Stylus Studio and reopen the project, then reopen the XSLT and display the Mapper tab, it shows the XML file specified in the scenario as the source (whereas it was previously the XSD) and it shows Dynamic Document Node as the target document (whereas the target XSD was previously displayed here). I am obliged to remove the XML from the source pane and re-add my source XSD, then re-add the target XSD to the target pane.
This problem does NOT occur if I leave the "Save scenario meta-information in the stylesheet" box in Options/XSLT Editor/XSLT Settings checked. I had unchecked it because I preferred that the meta-information be stored in the project file.
Subject:XSLT Mapper Author:(Deleted User) Date:08 Jul 2008 06:31 AM
Hi Patterson,
could you try opening the XSLT stylesheet in Notepad and remove the comment located at the end of the stylesheet? It could be that the mapper layout you are seeing is stored there and overrides the informations that are kept in the project file.