Subject:using Custom Tool - passing arguments Author:Tone Southerland Date:15 May 2008 11:52 AM Originally Posted: 15 May 2008 11:51 AM
So I've written a .bat file to process a schematron for me, and I can invoke it through Tools->Options->Custom Tools. But how can I pass arguments to it? I've tried various ways of specifying them in the Argument textbox, but nothing seems to work and the Stylus documentation doesn't seem to have much to offer in this. Below is my script file - maybe I missed something in there...
@echo off
SET PATH="D:\Schematron"
del schematron_temp.xsl
echo Generating stylesheet from iso_svrl.xsl...
bin\Transform -t %1.sch iso_svrl.xsl >schematron_temp.xsl
echo Processing xml instance against generated stylesheet...
bin\Transform -t %2.xml schematron_temp.xsl >result.html
echo Processing finished
start firefox.exe D:\Schematron\result.html
But I'm still not sure how to change these input arguments at runtime. I want to be able to validate various xml instances against various schematrons so I need a way to prompt for the file names every time I run my schematron validator... or maybe a little dialogue that could navigate to and pick the files. Any ideas