Subject:using XSL-FO to convert PDF Author:Marjatta Repo Date:02 Apr 2008 01:15 AM
we are using XSL-FO to covert our print in PDF-form. If we have in our appliaction HTML - commands like Bold (br), we can see on the pdf -prints.
Can we do something to that in XSL-FO or should get the application so that it did not bring those commands to XML, which is bases to our stylesheet information.
Will be happy, if I get whichever answer. No or yes. Thanks!
Subject:using XSL-FO to convert PDF Author:Marjatta Repo Date:03 Apr 2008 01:43 AM
we use in an application HTML - commands like bold (br) according our customers wishes.
When the form will be printed out also commands are seen on the PDF-print.
An example:
XML: <value field_id="itemClassMaint" field_name="Tapahtumatyyppi" is_visible="true" type="C" itemClassId="00202" personId="39320"
value_desc="Ylityön korotusosa 50% </br>vuorokautinen (tunnit)"
field_desc="Yksilöi tapahtuman">00202</value>
XSL-FO: <xsl:value-of select="value[@field_id='itemClassMaint' and @subItemClassId='00202']/@value_desc"/>
PDF:Ylityön korotusosa 50%
</br>vuorokautinen (tunnit)
Can we do something in XSL or is it so that everything which is saved in XML and wanted to be printed will be seen on print.
Look like that only way is the leave HTML commands out of the part of apllication which will be wanted to be printed on the official form.
Subject:using XSL-FO to convert PDF Author:(Deleted User) Date:03 Apr 2008 12:22 PM
Hi Marjatta,
if I understood it right, you want to remove from the PDF output the control codes that are stored with the data; the only option that comes to my mind is to manually search for them (using substring-before() and substring-after() for each possible code, if you use XSLT 1.0; or by using a single replace() with a regular expression like "<[a-zA-Z/]*>" if you can use XSLT 2.0).