Subject:Regd, entering text in the text box. Author:Saurabh Khare Date:13 Mar 2008 05:09 AM Originally Posted: 13 Mar 2008 05:06 AM
I am slightly new to XSL. I am now building the XSl file where in that
"When the user enters the cust id, & clicks on the search link , that XSL will search whether the user record is present or not.Similarly the clear link will clear the cust id text box."
But Its not allowing me to enter any text inside the text box.When I click in the text box, the drop down list comes which shows all the text entered previously.If I select that text ,then working properly. Any ideas ???
Please find below the code ::
LOok for the code where I have created the label & text box for Primary cusomer ID & seatrch & clear link.
** End of file