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c ySubject: Help with using not(preceding::foo) axis multiple times in a document
Author: c y
Date: 07 Feb 2008 12:16 PM

relatively new to xslt and i've got a "remove duplicates" nut i can't seem to crack. i've got a list of stores in a (unfortunately) relatively flat xml file that i need to display first by unique state, then by unique city, and then list the individual store listings. so the final display would be something like:

Joe's Store
Tom's Store

Fred's Store
Jane's Store

Ted's Store
Elsie's Store

Ralph's Store

i'm stuck using xslt 1.0 (again, unfortunately), and i can successfully use the "preceding" axis to first itierate through the xml and get a unique listing of states, and then a unique listing of cities. this works great, except for when there's a city with the same name in two different states. at that point, the xsl grabs the first one it comes across in the xml and ignores the second same-named city in the other state.

i understand that "preceding" starts at the top of the document, which is why it's ignoring the second same-named city, and i can't use preceding-sibling because of the way the xml is formatted (sample xml below).

so my question is: is it possible, and if so how, to iterate through the xml to first grab the unique states, and then use preceding to iterate a second time over *only that unique list* instead iterating over the entire document again. i'm thinking this is how i can get the unique cities for their respective states.

any other ideas greatly appreciated to this newbie. i've been digging high and low online for a solution and can't find something that fits my need to use preceding more than once and on a subset of previously gathered preceding nodes. that, or i'm overlooking what i need to use.

sample xml/xslt:

<StoreName>Ralph's Store</StoreName>
<StoreAddress1>4575 Sand Point Way N.E.</StoreAddress1>
<StoreName>Fred's Store</StoreName>
<StoreAddress1>4575 Point Ave N.E.</StoreAddress1>
<StoreName>Jim's Store</StoreName>
<StoreAddress1>575 St. NW</StoreAddress1>
<StoreName>Tammy's Grocey</StoreName>
<StoreAddress1>7555 Mockingbird Lane</StoreAddress1>
<StoreName>Franny's Grocey</StoreName>
<StoreAddress1>55 Bird Dr</StoreAddress1>
<StoreName>Joe's Grocey</StoreName>
<StoreAddress1>555 Dog bird Ln</StoreAddress1>

<xsl:template name="doStateList">
<xsl:for-each select="Store[not(StoreState=preceding::StoreState)]">
<xsl:sort select="StoreState"/>
<h3><xsl:value-of select="StoreState"/></h3>
<xsl:call-template name="doCityList">
<xsl:with-param name="vStoreState" select="StoreState"/>

<xsl:template name="doCityList">
<xsl:param name="vStoreState" select="'notPassed'"/>
<xsl:for-each select="//Store[StoreState=$vStoreState and not(StoreCity=preceding::StoreCity)]">
<!-- this is where the second not-preceding doesn't work for me as it starts at the document start and not within the current set of stores with the same StoreState -->
<xsl:value-of select="StoreCity"/>

thanks much for any help!

Tony LavinioSubject: Help with using not(preceding::foo) axis multiple times in a document
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 07 Feb 2008 08:00 PM
Okay, but first, since this the Stylus Studio support forum, which
version of our product are you using, so that we may better help you?

If you are not a user, or have general XSLT questions, please use the
xsl-list resource run by Mulberry Technologies.

c ySubject: Help with using not(preceding::foo) axis multiple times in a document
Author: c y
Date: 07 Feb 2008 08:14 PM
>Okay, but first, since this
>the Stylus Studio support
>forum, which
>version of our product are you
>using, so that we may better
>help you?
>If you are not a user, or have
>general XSLT questions, please
>use the
>xsl-list resource run by
>Mulberry Technologies.

SS08 professional suite. thanks!

(Deleted User) Subject: Help with using not(preceding::foo) axis multiple times in a document
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 11 Feb 2008 04:57 AM
I would rather use xsl:key instead of "following", to avoid going through the document multiple times. The attached stylesheet could be a starting point for what you need.

Hope this helps,


c ySubject: Help with using not(preceding::foo) axis multiple times in a document
Author: c y
Date: 11 Feb 2008 02:51 PM
i don't know why, but originally i couldn't visualize using multiple key() arguments similar to what i was doing with the multiple preceding() arguments. your example was like a lightbulb going off i now understand how to make it work.

thank you very much!

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