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Alai ThiréSubject: Converting tree structure to html (Report)
Author: Alai Thiré
Date: 04 Jan 2008 05:05 PM
Hello I'm quiet new to Stylus but have the following XML structure

..... elements

I would like to output it in html and fo but I would like to laintain the hierarchical structure of the nodes in the document.

Can You give me some ideas ?
I've attactched a sample ... if some guru might have a moment

Most gratefull

sample xml

(Deleted User) Subject: Converting tree structure to html (Report)
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 07 Jan 2008 04:24 AM
Hi Alain,
I'm not sure what you means by "maintain the structure" of the document. Does the attached report help you start desigining?


XML Report

Alai ThiréSubject: Converting tree structure to html (Report)
Author: Alai Thiré
Date: 07 Jan 2008 09:48 AM
Originally Posted: 07 Jan 2008 09:44 AM
Sorry not to be sufficiently clear

In fact, after quiet some years in consulting, we decided to develop a software allowing a business user to generate a data warehouse requirements.

What you have is test output data and we would like to present this data into a browser of FO by measn of a XSL transformer call in java.

My problem is that the logic to arrive at metrics is represented by the concept of a <NODE> , each node has a unique id (which we put in an attribute. BUT , and here I get stuck, a nodes can be composed of any of dependent nodes. You get a tree structure with a variable depth.

Traditionally 'a model' can have a structure
ID1 vision : txxxxxt
--ID11 mission : txxxxxxt
----ID111 Domain 1 : txxxxt
------ID1111 Metric

But another model can have more nodes and a larger depth
ID1 MISSION : txxxxx
-----ID111 REF : Article on polution
-----ID112 METRIC : Evolution of CO2 over time
-----ID111 DOMAIN : "CANCER"
-------ID1111 REF : Article on cancer
-------ID1112 METRIC : Cancer per type and per regio
-------ID11111 : DOMAIN : "HART ATTACK"
---------ID111111 REF :
---------ID111112 METRIC : Hart attacks per period

etc (I 'v used '-' to represent blanks to show the desired layout. If I post the message the spaces are removed hence it's obvious that is is not clear what I mean by hierarchical structure of the document'

The first model has only three levels , the second five
Nevertheless I would like to have only one XSL to do the transform
Note that the XMl is only a test file

The output I got from your report only shows the 'types' ?
Sorry but I'm pretty new to Stylus and XSL

Thanks in advance

(Deleted User) Subject: Converting tree structure to html (Report)
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 09 Jan 2008 05:04 AM
Hi Alain,
XML Report allows to visually design a hierarchy of nested tables, but the number of nested nodes must be known at design time. If your XML has a variable number of levels you should use Report to design the XSL-FO fragment that defines the layout of just one node, extract the relevant FO code and place it inside a <xsl:template match="NODE"> and then invoke it recursively.

Have a look at the attached sample XSLT.

Hope this helps,

XSLT stylesheet

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