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taylor coreySubject: WSDL - A Well Defined Service
Author: taylor corey
Date: 03 Jan 2008 02:40 AM
I have a customer who claims their web service (and WSDL and schema files) are being used successfully by .net and java clients.

I tried their WSDL file at soapclient.com and generated a request message. The SOAP message had nothing in the body, so, I tried the same thing in Stylus Studio and it had fields in the SOAP body but when I tried to assign values, Stylus Studio said the fields are not accessible and a namespace is undefined.

After looking long and hard, I inserted a namespace in the WSDL file and generated a web service call. The SOAP message had the fields and I could assign values to them.

I went back and tried the WSDL file in soapclient.com and the same problem occurred (yes, I selected no caching), the SOAP body was empty.

After all this, I concluded the web service is not well defined. Given that a well defined web service describes exactly what messages need to be sent, how is it that soapclient.com, Stylus Studio, and other WSDL validators can return different results, some appear correct, some not, etc.? In other words, what part of the W3C proposals allow for this kind of variation?



(Deleted User) Subject: WSDL - A Well Defined Service
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 03 Jan 2008 06:46 AM
Hi Taylor,
I guess that the WSDL is not completely defined, and the tool used by your customer is either ignoring the error, or filling in the missing informations with some predefined content. But, in order to say something more, we should have a look at the WSDL itself; would it be possible for you to sent it to stylus-field-report@progress.com?


taylor coreySubject: WSDL - A Well Defined Service
Author: taylor corey
Date: 03 Jan 2008 03:33 PM

Thanks for the reply. I wish I could upload the files but they fall under an NDA. The files appear to be hand written and there is a wsdl file that uses shcema file 1, and schema file 1 uses schema file 2.

When I generate a web service call, the fields of interest in the soap body are given a namespace of 'a'. When I try to assign a value to them, SS says 'a' is undefined.

I stared at the wsdl file long and hard and added another namespace then generated the web service call. The soap message appeared to be what I was looking for, so, I tried it again at soapclient.com and no fields showed up. I googled for 'wsdl validators' and the results were all over the map.

It seems the wsdl file is not a well defined service but I am confused why the resulting soap message varies so much from processor to processor. In other words, what accounts for this variation? Is it something in the w3c proposals not being specified or is it how people implement the proposals or something else?



(Deleted User) Subject: WSDL - A Well Defined Service
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 03 Jan 2008 03:52 PM
Hi Taylor,
unfortunately I cannot tell you much without seeing the actual WSDL. But, generally speaking, the WSDL 1.1 specification was only a W3C Note, while the WSDL 2.0 one has just reached the Recommendation status six months ago. Being WSDL 1.1 just a Note, is absolutely under-specified, so compatibility suffers.


taylor coreySubject: WSDL - A Well Defined Service
Author: taylor corey
Date: 03 Jan 2008 05:12 PM

That is the answer I was looking for because I had the idea that we are dealing with well defined specs but it is not true.

Is the current version of Stylus Studio WSDL 2.0 aware?



(Deleted User) Subject: WSDL - A Well Defined Service
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 04 Jan 2008 04:56 AM
Hi Taylor,
Stylus Studio currently supports WSDL 1.1 only. Supporting WSDL 2.0 is not yet scheduled, as the standard is not yet widely adopted (see http://www.infoq.com/news/2007/07/wsdl-2-recommendation for a summary of the debate going on in the community)

Hope this helps,

taylor coreySubject: WSDL - A Well Defined Service
Author: taylor corey
Date: 04 Jan 2008 12:58 PM

Thanks for the reply. I did not realize that WSDL 2.0 had issues like that.


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