Subject:Opening DITA files and associating with SS Author:Kurt Martin Date:21 Dec 2007 10:16 AM
I want to use SS to work with some DITA files. The extension is either .dita or .ditamap. They are plain XML, but SS won't recognize them as such, and thus will not open. How can I get SS to open these files?
Subject:Opening DITA files and associating with SS Author:(Deleted User) Date:21 Dec 2007 12:45 PM
Hi Kurt,
when you open a .dita file with Stylus Studio, a dialog will pop up asking for the editor to be used to open it; just specify "XML Editor" and check the "Always use this editor to open" check box.
If you also want to tell Windows Explorer to launch Stylus Studio when you double click on a .dita file, go to Tools | Options, choose "File Types", locate the line with the .dita extension and enter "true" in the last column.
Subject:Opening DITA files and associating with SS Author:Kurt Martin Date:21 Dec 2007 12:58 PM
Hi Alberto,
I don't get the dialog to appear, just a message that states:
"The file ... is not a Custom XML Converter Definition file, but some other XML format."
Then when I hit "OK", nothing happens. I was able to figure out to use the Open Dialog "Open" button drop down to select XML Editor. This seems counter-intuitive.
Anyway, I am able to open in some fashion now. Thanks.