Subject:Unable to save xslt file after running it. Another process has locked the file. Author:David Hymes Date:19 Dec 2007 01:41 AM
Several bugs in the product, Since i don't see a place to report bugs i guess i will do it here in hopes that someone can assist me.
Version: Stylus Studio 2007 Enterprise build 894.
Environment: Windows XP SP2, Internet Exploder 7.
1. Open the file provided as xslt, run it with the errors in it, then try and save the document. Stylus studio reports an error indicating that some other process has locked the file so you can't save your work.
Subject:Unable to save xslt file after running it. Another process has locked the file. Author:(Deleted User) Date:19 Dec 2007 02:33 AM
Hi David,
the bug is actually inside the 3rd-party Java XSLT processor, that doesn't close the input stream when a fatal error occurs; the good news is that the bug has been fixed in Stylus Studio 2008. Anyhow you can workaround it by checking the setting "Use Stylus Studio URI Resolver" in the scenario dialog.
Subject:Unable to save xslt file after running it. Another process has locked the file. Author:David Hymes Date:19 Dec 2007 10:04 AM
Hi Alberto,
Actually we just upgraded to 2008 this morning and the bug still persists. I have also tried setting the Use Stylus Studio URI Resolver and this didn't work either.
How can i obtain a fix for this bug or work around it?