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Lee LeSubject: selecting the correct Line Terminator & Delimiter Pair for CSV file
Author: Lee Le
Date: 12 Dec 2007 12:09 AM
I am trying to use 'Customer XML Conversion' to convert CSV file to XML. However, I'm having troubles selecting the correct Line Terminator and Delimiter Pair in the conversion properties.

I have a CSV file that:
1) has CR,LF within the field causing Stylus Studio to indicate that a new record is starting because CR,LF is defaulted as the Line Terminator. But any other selection I choose for Line Terminator doesn't make the records display correctly.
2) has double-quotes to delimit fields. Stylus Studio defaults the Delimiter Pairs as "","" When I tried to select "," the Delimiter Pairs automatically displays '\",'\" instead.

How should I modify the CSV file or change the properties for the conversion to get the data in each field and row correctly converted?


trying to convert CSV to XML

sample of CSV file

Tony LavinioSubject: selecting the correct Line Terminator & Delimiter Pair for CSV file
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 12 Dec 2007 09:13 AM
In order to escape the doubled quotes, there is a property
called "Double delimiter to escape."

But, Custom XML Converters do not currently handle CR/LF embedded
within a quoted string.

If you can modify the program that generates the CSV to change the
line ending from CR/LF to CR/LF/CR/LF, then set the property for
end-of-line to CR,LF,CR,LF, then you should get what you want.

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