Subject:Replace in selection not working correctly Author:Boss AtHome Date:11 Dec 2007 01:16 AM
SS Enterprise R2 2007, 894m, WindowsXP
Apologies if this has already been reported, but I just came across an error when editing XML files using Replace in Selection.
In a file with 7 lines selected and where the same string in all 7 lines should have been changed, only the first 4 lines were changed. When the remaining 3 lines were selected, the change only worked on first 2 of the 3.
None of the "match"/Regex/Search inside checkbox options had selected.
Subject:Replace in selection not working correctly Author:(Deleted User) Date:11 Dec 2007 10:41 AM
Hi Sheila,
I tried a few cases, and in all cases the Replace All found and replaced all the instances in the selection. Could you post the text in the selection and the strings you were trying to replace?
and my search string is "PlanName" to be changed to "Plan", with all 7 PlanName lines highlighted/selected.
It changes the first 4 lines and gives the dialog that 8 changes have been made. If I select the remaining 3 lines again, it changes only 2 of the 3 lines.
Subject:Replace in selection not working correctly Author:(Deleted User) Date:11 Dec 2007 01:00 PM
Hi Sheila,
you have uncovered a bug :-(
Everytime you are replacing a string located next to the end of a line, and the new text is shorter than the existing one, the selection will be reduced by one line.
We will fix the issue in the next update of Stylus.