Subject:Built-In Processor Handling CDATA Transforms Differently Author:Jamil Taylor Date:01 Dec 2007 11:38 AM
I am using the latest version of Stylus Studio 2007 R2 Enterprise currently available for download. An issue I have just encountered is detailed below:
My XSLT 1.0 transformation outputs to HTML, and my HTML contains a table. When the cells for the table from my source XML are empty, the entire row is collapsed in the table. I do not wish for the table to appear this way, so I used the old HTML trick of adding
Instead of this in my HTML output:
I have this:
<td> </td>
The issue I have encountered is that my HTML appears just the way I expect when using the Built-In XSL processor. The empty table cells contain no text and are not collapsed. If I use any other processor, the table cells contain the text
The portion of my XSL transformation contained within a template is below:
Subject:Built-In Processor Handling CDATA Transforms Differently Author:Jamil Taylor Date:07 Dec 2007 07:34 AM Originally Posted: 07 Dec 2007 07:31 AM
Thank you for investigating this.
I am not sure what 'Built-in' in the name of the processor actually refers to. Does this mean that your team owns the source code for this processor and is able to correct the issue? I thought I read something about the code being used from another open source project or something.
This is the first issue I have found with the Built-in processor. Now it seems that almost every processor within Stylus Studio has a different problem (there's two more I can try still).
Subject:Built-In Processor Handling CDATA Transforms Differently Author:(Deleted User) Date:11 Dec 2007 06:22 AM
Hi Jamil,
the 'built-in' XSLT processor is a processor we wrote in house; on the other hand, the 'built-in' XML validation processor is the open source Xerces-C++ XML parser.
As for each XSLT processor behaving in different ways... that's the beauty of having multiple processors inside Stylus Studio: so you can test your stylesheet against the specific processor you are going to use when deploying your stylesheet.