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Boss AtHomeSubject: Parameter values with multiple XSL files
Author: Boss AtHome
Date: 30 Nov 2007 09:16 PM
I would appreciate advice on understanding how to use the Scenario > Parameter Values when the "main" XSL file includes other XSL files by using xsl:include.

The parameters in question are paths to locate various XML and other files that are used when the application runs. In production the parameter values will be passed when the application is called, but when developing in SS I want to use different local paths. The local paths can be relative or explicit, I don't care which.

I have the scenario in the "main" [is there a correct term for this file?] XSL file. Do I need to set the same parameters in all of the XSL files or just in this main file?

Does it matter which stylesheet the xsl:param is declared?

Second question: If the above issues don't impact resolving the parameters when SS runs the transformation, is there some special syntax needed so that SS will use Scenario's parameter value and not the @select default value?

Your assistance is appreciated.

(Deleted User) Subject: Parameter values with multiple XSL files
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 06 Dec 2007 09:01 AM
Hi Sheila,
parameters in XSL are collected from all the included stylesheets, so the parameter page in the scenario dialog should list all of them.
As for the 'main' stylesheet, it's up to you to choose it so that it includes the other stylesheets with the proper priority (i.e. if a node matches a template located in stylesheet A and one located in stylesheet B, but the main stylesheet includes A before B, the template from A is applied) - see http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#dt-import-precedence for a more detailed explanation

Hope this helps,

Boss AtHomeSubject: Parameter values with multiple XSL files
Author: Boss AtHome
Date: 06 Dec 2007 11:24 PM
Thank you, Alberto, the reference you provided was very instructive :-))

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