Subject:Really Really need help - xsl:fo transformation to pdf in .net Author:John Marrone Jr Date:27 Nov 2007 08:03 AM
Hi All
I really need help. Here is what I want to do. My company use .net and I need to do this all from my web page. I use a web service we have to receive a xml file. I created an xslt:fo file for this xml file. It works great inside Stylus Studio. But I need to know how to do this in .net so when the user clicks the link that starts this process I end up loading the pdf file in the browser. Here is the process:
1. The user fills in the data that is required.
2. I call my web service with the param's I need. (data from user).
3. I get an xml data stream that uses my xslt:fo file. Which goes threw the renderX or xalan processor.
4. Then the pdf file gets loaded in my web page.
I don't have the software installed on my server yet, but I am developing local. I have this installed with Stylus Studio. I get it to preview in SS. Can not get it to preview in IE though.
But can anyone please help on how to do this from my web page using web developer in 2005. Any help would really help. I know your time is valuable, but so is my job. Just point me to a web page or something.
I have googled myself crazy. And I really, really thank you for your time.
John Marrone
Bloodstock Research Inc