Subject:Edi X12 835 to Flat file Author:anil kamdar Date:23 Nov 2007 02:34 PM
I am new to this and I am wondering if any one has a stand alone application which would take a Health care payment advice 835 and convert to a flat file which can be read by DOS based database.
Subject:Edi X12 835 to Flat file Author:Minollo I. Date:23 Nov 2007 04:09 PM
Using XML Converters you can surely convert yout X12 835 messages to XML. How to convert from XML to the flat file you are looking for, it really depends what the format of that flat file is supposed to be. It may be that one of the built-in XML Converters already handles it, or it may be that you need to create that output "manually" using XQuery or XSLT.