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adriana abegaoSubject: Convert PCL to XML
Author: adriana abegao
Date: 21 Nov 2007 07:51 AM
Hi !

I'm testing Stylus Studio and I need to convert pcl files, prn files in XML but I don't find how to do this.

Anyone could help me ?

Thanks for any information......

(Deleted User) Subject: Convert PCL to XML
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 22 Nov 2007 02:36 AM
Hi Adriana,
PCL and PRN files are not natively supported by XML Converters; you can try designing a Custom converter inside Stylus and see if you can locate and extract the informations you need. Can you post an example of a file that you need to convert?


adriana abegaoSubject: Convert PCL to XML
Author: adriana abegao
Date: 22 Nov 2007 06:24 AM
Hi Alberto !

Thank you for help me !!! :-)

The file that I need to convert is illegible. I attached one example.

I thought the Stylus Studio could understand the PCL commands.

Then I will need extract just a ascii text for convert to XML using Stylus Studio ? Do you know any way to do this ?



(Deleted User) Subject: Convert PCL to XML
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 23 Nov 2007 03:07 AM
Hi Adriana,
it looks that the web board software prevents the download of .prn files; could you re-attach it zipped? Thanks.

The file formats supported by DataDirect XML Converters are listed at http://www.xmlconverters.com/standards/#
The flat files subset is the following:

* Base-64
* Binary
* dBase (II, III, III+, IV, V)
* MBox
* JavaProps
* DotD
* Pyx
* Tab-separated values
* Whole-line text
* Windows .ini file
* Windows Write

You can also design a custom conversion, by manually tagging the input file (either through pattern matching or fixed positions); in your case this would mean to use the PCL specifications to understand the meaning of each byte in the file.
Can I ask you why are you trying to convert a binary PCL into an XML document?


adriana abegaoSubject: Convert PCL to XML
Author: adriana abegao
Date: 23 Nov 2007 06:35 AM
Hi Alberto !

Thanks for help me again ! :-)

I need read PCL files and PRN files because some clients will send the spool printer and your application just read xml file. Then I will need convert this files in xml.

Do you know how to read PCL commands ?



(Deleted User) Subject: Convert PCL to XML
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 23 Nov 2007 07:29 AM
Hi Adriana,
unfortunately it looks that your .prn isn't text-based (maybe it is storing just the bitmap to be sent to the printer, or maybe it's just the way it encodes the text), so it cannot be handled by a text-to-XML converter.
You may have to look for a specific software that understands PCL, and hope it can generate a CSV file with the data you need; at that point DataDirect XML Converters can generate XML from the CSV.

Hope this helps,

adriana abegaoSubject: Convert PCL to XML
Author: adriana abegao
Date: 23 Nov 2007 10:43 AM
Hi Alberto !

You help me so much.....in both doubts !

Thanks !

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