Subject:Schema Validation using the top level elements Author:sara kakileti Date:23 Oct 2007 01:13 PM
Not able to validate the schema which in extended from 2 levels. Suppose, schema A extended from schema B and schema B extended from schema C. Schema A will validate by using elements in schema B only but not in schema C. Means, it is not going to the top level. It works good with Xerces and Saxon parsers in the java code. Is this a known issue with stylus studio?
Subject:Schema Validation using the top level elements Author:Tony Lavinio Date:25 Oct 2007 08:38 AM
Many issues have been resolved since this release of Stylus
Studio 6. You may upgrade at least to the latest corresponding
6.2 release, and even 6.3 for free. See
You might also be interested in looking at Stylus Studio 2007,
which includes several useful new tools such as the pipeline
designer for building multi-stage transformations, and the new
presentation XML Report tool for generating HTML+CSS or PDF files
from XSL:FO. You may download a free evaluation copy, which can
live side-by-side with your current versions, from
At the very least, please upgrade off of your current version to take
advantage of fixes made in the meantime.
Subject:Schema Validation using the top level elements Author:Tony Lavinio Date:26 Oct 2007 10:33 AM Originally Posted: 26 Oct 2007 10:34 AM
Well, Stylus Studio uses Xerces as the internal validator, so
something seems amiss.
Could you zip up the files and send them to stylus-field-report (at), so we could take a look? Also include any specific
instructions you think we might need.