Subject:Using EXSLT str:tokenize function Author:John Annie Date:16 Oct 2007 12:59 PM
I'm very new to XSL programming and have been given the task of modifying a XSLT file created by another individual using an editor/processor other than Stylus Studio. This problem deals with getting an EXSLT Function (str:tokenize) to work in Stylus Studio Pro 2007 using the built in processor. I'm getting the following error from line 90 of the attached XSLT file:
strTest.xsl (90, 5): Exception calling Java extension: ;
at com.exln.stylus.CXClassLoader.findClass(;
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source);
at com.exln.stylus.CXClassLoader.loadClass(;
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source); in expression
I know this has been addressed before, as I've searched the forum for a solution, but my lack of experience and understanding have prevented me putting the advice given in the forum to workable code. I’ve attached a copy of the offending code extracted from the program. Can someone offer some detailed instructions for fixing this problem?
Subject:Using EXSLT str:tokenize function Author:John Annie Date:16 Oct 2007 04:06 PM
Thanks for your speedy reply. Here's where my inexperience shows. The "java built-in" processor worked, however it doesn't allow for debugging, which I desperately need. So I tried the Saxon processor and received the following error which again is on the str:tokenize statement.
strTest.xsl (90, 1): Error: on line 90 of file:///d:/DOCUME~1/fz6ppg/MYDOCU~1/JSSEO/RHAPSO~2/RHAPSO~1/strTest.xsl:;
Cannot find a matching 2-argument function named {}tokenize();
Is their a different syntax for the str:tokenize function using the Saxon processor?
Note: When I reduced the size of the xsl file to focus just on the str:tokenize code, I went too far and removed a global variable that needs to be included in the code. Here's the statement that’s needed to be added: <xsl:variable name="NOT_MAPPED">NOT_MAPPED_IN_I3</xsl:variable>
I corrected this in the attached strTest.xsl file. (Sorry about that).