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dave garciaSubject: Best way to transform existing excel XML spreadsheet?
Author: dave garcia
Date: 10 Sep 2007 12:57 AM
I have an existing excel XML spreadsheet I would like to transform with XSLT and during the transformation replacing existing values in cells and adding new rows to existing tables in worksheets. What is the best approach for doing this?

I found thus far I can do a deep copy as follows:

<xsl:template match="node()">
<xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="node()"/>

And then am able to change the existing contents of a cell as follow:

<xsl:template match="ss:Cell[@ss:StyleID = 's22']/ss:Data">
<xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
<xsl:value-of select="$numValue"/>

Which seems to work for one cell, however the source excel XML spreadsheet I am transforming is pretty complex with 6 worksheets, formulas, etc. and now I am thinking it may be hard to manipulate all the excel XML using this approach.. Maybe I should simply start with:

<xsl:template match="/">

and re-create the excel XML and during the process of it insert new values and rows by using Xpath to find the right places in the excel XML to do it in? Any sugggestions are appreciated.

TIA for your help,


Tony LavinioSubject: Best way to transform existing excel XML spreadsheet?
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 10 Sep 2007 03:45 PM
If you're looking for an opinion, I'd say the latter would give
you more control and would at least guarantee you get the structure
you're expecting.

Otherwise, it depends...

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