Subject:Upgrading to SS 2006 3 - Activate? Author:John Hanratty Date:19 Jul 2007 09:23 AM
I've downloaded the free upgrade from SS Version 6 build 377m to SS 20066, build 653g, but SS is asking for an activation key, and my current key won't work. Have I upgraded to the wrong version, or how do I obtain an activation key for my upgrade?
Subject:Upgrading to SS 2006 3 - Activate? Author:Tony Lavinio Date:19 Jul 2007 10:42 AM
In the Stylus Studio 6 series, the highest update is to V6.2.377o.
Stylus Studio 2006 is the next version, which requires an upgrade.
You could have updated your 6 from patch 377m to 377o.
If you do decide to upgrade, or even if you just want to see what has
changed, you might find 2007 release 2, which is the current release,
quite a bit more interesting than 2006 release 3.