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Nick LockeSubject: Can SS validate tags used in appinfo element of XSD?
Author: Nick Locke
Date: 29 Jun 2007 09:38 AM
I have a standard XML format which is used within the appinfo element of all my XSD definitions:

<xsd:schema xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
<aa:yyyyyy>Hello World</aa:yyyyyy>
<aa:zzzzzz>Hello World</aa:zzzzzz>

SS is very good at checking that the aa stuff is well formed, but I have not found a way to persuade it to actually validate against the aa schema. I have tried declaring and importing the aa namespace, but still no joy.

Clues welcome.

Thanks, Nick

(Deleted User) Subject: Can SS validate tags used in appinfo element of XSD?
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 02 Jul 2007 09:09 AM
Hi Nick,
unfortunately the validating parser used by Stylus Studio (Xerces-C++) validates annotations only against the official XMLSchema specs, that allow any well formed element inside appinfo or documentation.
We'll investigate whether in a future version of Stylus this behavior can be modified to also validate against the generated schema, so that your custom schema can be used.


(Deleted User) Subject: Can SS validate tags used in appinfo element of XSD?
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 03 Jul 2007 03:21 AM
Will the Sun Multi-Schema XML validator (MSV) do what's asked?

Ian T
Stylus Studio 2007 XML Enterprise Suite R2 (Build 894i)

Nick LockeSubject: Can SS validate tags used in appinfo element of XSD?
Author: Nick Locke
Date: 03 Jul 2007 03:57 AM
>Will the Sun Multi-Schema XML
>validator (MSV) do what's

To be honest, I'm not sure! I have installed it following the instructions here - http://www.stylusstudio.com/msv.html

To make it visible in the Validation drop-down, I had to tick the "Supports validation of XML schema" box (which is not ticked on the example page).

I then tried to validate an XSD with my bespoke tags in the AppInfo section (and I have an Import of the schema that defines the bespoke tags). This is the result:

c:\msv>java -cp msv-driver.jar;msv.jar com.stylusstudio.msv.StylusDriver "c:/XXXXXXXXX/TypesXXXX-v1-00a.xsd"
Stylus Studio Driver for the Sun MSV Validator 20030225
--Starting validation of "c:/XXXXXXXXX/TypesXXXX-v1-00a.xsd"--
No identifiable DTD or XML Schema in c:/XXXXXXXXX/TypesXXXX-v1-00a.xsd
--Completed validation of "c:/XXXXXXXXX/TypesXXXX-v1-00a.xsd"--

No discernable difference whether my bespoke tags are correct or not. That said, I wonder whether the "No identifiable DTD or...." message is suggesting that I am doing something wrong.

Thanks, Nick

(Deleted User) Subject: Can SS validate tags used in appinfo element of XSD?
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 03 Jul 2007 06:08 AM
Hi Nick,
the 'Support validation of XML Schema' of the Sun Multi-Schema Validator is not checked because it doesn't support validating stand-alone schemas, but only XML documents referencing an XMLSchema.
You can however use the XSV validator (http://www.stylusstudio.com/xml_schema/xsv.html), or the IBM Schema Quality Checker (http://www.stylusstudio.com/sqc.html); but I fear neither will validate non-XMLSchema elements inside annotations.


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