 Subject: Standard Validation Engines Author: (Deleted User) Date: 27 Jun 2007 01:32 PM Originally Posted: 27 Jun 2007 12:43 PM
These may be some really naive questions. There's a lot to learn here.
I have read the 1000+ page user guide quite thoroughly and I can't find answers to my uncertainties about the validation engines / parsers for validating XML and XSD.
Attached is the Options > General > Custom Validation Engines configuration, showing that I have 7 parsers installed, and have the Java built-in one at the top.
I have changed the order from time to time.
My recollection was that there was one that was named Xerces but it's not there (I began with Build 894d, then 894g, now 894i).
Definitely, I have over the last week checked the box 'Supports validation of XML Schema', for one or other of the parsers.
I think that was a mistake.
Question 1:
Where can I find the default settings for these validation engines (ie, the Standard ones - not something that I have added as a Custom validator)?
Question 2:
My ad hoc changing of the checkbox 'Supports validation of XML Schema' is not a good idea, right?
Question 3:
Since I haven't created any Custom validators, are these the standard ones for Build 894i?
Question 4:
These are the checkbox settings which I see right now (I know that I haven't changed any of the 5 textboxes containing parameters etc):
.................... CB1 CB2 CB3
Java built-in - X -
MSXML6.0 DOM parser - X X
.NET XML parser - X X
MSXML4.0 DOM parser - X -
MSXML4.0 SAX parser - X -
MSXML6.0 SAX parser - X -
XSV 2.10-1 - X X
Are these correct?
(X = checked, - = unchecked.
No font control, so the formatting is hard to read. Sorry)
Question 5:
Is / was there a parser names Xerces?
Sorry to be pedantic and possibly obtuse about this.
CustomValidationEngines_1.jpg Options - Custom Validation Settings