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(Deleted User) Subject: Validation of deeply-nested schemas (many include, import)
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 20 Jun 2007 01:42 PM
I would appreciate some pointers in getting started with this reasonably simple task, if someone can help me.

I'm a beginner with SS, and I am sure similar questions have been asked before. The SSDN search is too crude to locate what I want to know (I have spent about an hour looking). And I'm a bit ignorant of some of the settings I need to use (eg, which parser).

Basically, the ZIP that I have attached (ISO19139schemas-20060504_(AMENDED).zip) has a series of inter-related (nested) XSD files which start with the file ..\gmd\metadataEntity.xsd, below a nominal root folder. There are 61 XSD files in all. I call my root folder C:\ISO19139schemas-20060504 but it could be D:\TEMP of course.

The schema set is ISO19139, and includes the GML (OGC) schema - it is contained within sub-folder ..\gml\

The ZIP is modified from the file set issued by ISO on 2006-05-04 which is the most recent, I believe; what has been changed is that I have omitted the sub-folder ..\resources\ (see below).

That is because with XML Spy 2007 it would not validate with those extraneous files present (they are not a part of the schema, but XML Spy won't ignore them).

Now, to Stylus Studio.

I have dragged the entire disk folder structure of this schema set (ie, created by unpacking the attached ZIP file) to the project pane of SS, into a project called ISO19139. Then I loaded the file ..\gmd\metadataEntity.xsd and validated it (XMLSchema > Validate).

The output errors I received are:

Validating metadataEntity.xsd...
file:///c:/ISO19139schemas-20060504/gml/referenceSystems.xsd:45,35: Type not found in http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd:EX_Extent
file:///c:/ISO19139schemas-20060504/gml/referenceSystems.xsd:45,35: Ref element gmd:EX_Extent not found in the Schema
file:///c:/ISO19139schemas-20060504/gml/coordinateOperations.xsd:48,55: Type not found in http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd:AbstractDQ_PositionalAccuracy
file:///c:/ISO19139schemas-20060504/gml/coordinateOperations.xsd:48,55: Ref element gmd:AbstractDQ_PositionalAccuracy not found in the Schema

The XML document metadataEntity.xsd is NOT valid (4 errors)

With XML Spy, the entire schema set validates OK.

I guess that's my first problem. And I know that this schema set does validate with Xerces 2.7.0 (because it is used exactly as I described, in another dedicated application that has Xerces as its parser). And with essentially no changes to what's in the attached ZIP, XML Spy validates it OK.

In SS, I have fiddled a bit with the parser options (Java built-in was the top-most; I tried MSXML6.0 DOM Parser and checked the "supports validation of XML Schema" box - but I don't know what I'm doing by this, really.

There's something very simple that I'm missing, I'm sure.

Ian Thomas
SS2007 Ent R2 Build 894i

ISO19139 Schema set

(Deleted User) Subject: Validation of deeply-nested schemas (many include, import)
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 20 Jun 2007 11:29 PM
Originally Posted: 20 Jun 2007 11:27 PM
Although I haven't resolved this, the next step (after I have) is to generate some java binding classes, and see if they are of any use at all once converted to C# with Microsoft's tool (Microsoft Java Language Conversion Assistant 3.0)*.

Generating the java binding classes on metadatEntity.xsd gives errors (as I might expect), which are -

Launching "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_08\bin\java.exe" -jar "C:\Program Files\Stylus Studio 2007 XML Enterprise Suite Release 2\bin\lib\jaxb\jaxb\lib\jaxb-xjc.jar" -d <outputDirectory> -p metadataEntity "file:///c:/ISO19139schemas-20060504/gmd/metadataEntity.xsd"...
xjc version "1.0.5-b16-fcs"
JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, (build 1.0.5-b16-fcs)

parsing a schema...
[ERROR] In "strict" mode, the following schema feature is not allowed (See App E.2).Use the "-extension" switch:
"abstract" attribute of <element> is not supported line 26 of gmlBase.xsd

Failed to parse a schema.

Error executing command line

This seems odd, though.
I browsed to a suitable output folder (it had a long pathname, with spaces) but in the commandline above it isn't picked up.

* - Note that the Microsoft Java Language Conversion Assistant 3.0 is installable (an option) with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. There is also a version for VS2003.


(Deleted User) Subject: Validation of deeply-nested schemas (many include, import)
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 26 Jun 2007 12:19 PM
Hi Ian,
from what I see, the real root of the "http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" schema is the gmd/gmd.xsd file, and that validates fine using Xerces-C++.

(The reason why gmd.xsd works is because referenceSystems.xsd references the gmd namespace though a
<import namespace="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" schemaLocation="../gmd/gmd.xsd"/>
and by matching the URL Xerces is able to find out all the pieces of the namespace)

Hope this helps,

(Deleted User) Subject: Validation of deeply-nested schemas (many include, import)
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 27 Jun 2007 01:55 PM
Originally Posted: 27 Jun 2007 01:53 PM
Alberto - Yes, that helped heaps!

I validated this schema set successfully a few weeks ago using XML Spy Professional 2007 sp2 (but encountered a few bugs in Spy which I had to sort out with their Support), but in discussing some related matters with a metadata guy in Spain, I got the wrong base XSD file stuck in my mind (metadataEntity.XSD is what I wrongly used for all the time I have been using Stylus Studio).

I have a lot of follow-up operational questions that you might be able to answer simply for me. Your mentioning Xerces C++ reminded me of them - I can't see this parser / validator in my system. Is that the one you call "Java built-in"?

Or have I lost one??

Many thanks


Validating XSD schema sets

Standard Validation Engines

Tony LavinioSubject: Validation of deeply-nested schemas (many include, import)
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 27 Jun 2007 09:38 PM
Yes, the built-in validator is Xerces C++

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