Subject:Support for SPEC 2000 & generating reject ? Author:Tony Lavinio Date:31 May 2007 10:03 AM
You can parse them today, using Custom XML Conversions and setting
the row separator equal to CR,LF (or LF), and the field separator
to '/'.
You might also want to set the key=value separator to a space.
But for serious support, like we use for EDI dialects, we'd have to
join ATA, or at least purchase the standards. For that, it would be
useful to know your level of commitment.
Are you asking out of curiosity, or are you seriously considering this
as an option? You might want to contact our business development people
Subject:Support for SPEC 2000 & generating reject ? Author:toadie d. Date:01 Jun 2007 12:35 PM
Hi Tony,
At this point it is only an interest. Based on your answer, lack of input/replies from the forums, I am hearing that there aren't a whole lot of interest from the communities either. Is that a correct assessment?
Subject:Support for SPEC 2000 & generating reject ? Author:Tony Lavinio Date:18 Jun 2008 07:17 AM Originally Posted: 04 Jun 2007 09:48 AM
Since we don't currently directly support SPEC2000, people
who are interested won't look here. 'Google' won't bring
them in [ :) ], and it appears no one else who is a current
user has responded either.
But we do have an interest also in airline-related EDI; for
example, we've implemented the full IATA specification for
dealing with passengers. So we'll keep a watch on SPEC2000,
and we're looking at the specs for possible inclusion in a
later version.
Until we have a business case, though, it will remain a lower