Subject:Trouble getting my xsl scenario with saxon off the ground Author:Philip Young Date:23 May 2007 04:43 PM
I use saxon-sa v8.9 on a Linux laptop and I have successfully run an XSLT 2.0/XPath 2.0 transformation from the command line. In Stylus Studio 2007 Enterprise R2 on my PC I created a scenario that I hoped would run the same transformation using the same version of Saxon and I used the file browser in the scenario dialog to set the "Source XML URL". But I got the error message (which comes from my xsl file) below.
at: file:///c:/DOCUME~1/PYoung/MYDOCU~1/XML/Test/CONSTR~1.XSL 32
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error: on line 32 of file:///c:/DOCUME~1/PYoung/MYDOCU~1/XML/Test/CONSTR~1.XSL:
ERR001: Input file does not have an xml extension
at com.exln.stylus.CSaxon8Driver.doProcessing(
at com.exln.stylus.CProcessorDriver.process(
constraints.xsl (32, 1)
Error: on line 32 of file:///c:/DOCUME~1/PYoung/MYDOCU~1/XML/Test/CONSTR~1.XSL: ERR001: Input file does not have an xml extension
I'm new to Stylus Studio. Can you tell me what I'm missing?
Subject:Trouble getting my xsl scenario with saxon off the ground Author:Elias Huter Date:24 May 2007 02:22 AM
- I sometimes had problems when my XML source file hat spaces before the very first <?xml version="1.0"?> tag
- Is your source XML file wellformed?
- Have you defined the correct file input via the Scenario?
- Use the indent XML Tags button both on your XML and XSL file, so you can check wheter they are well-formed or not
Subject:Trouble getting my xsl scenario with saxon off the ground Author:(Deleted User) Date:24 May 2007 01:23 PM
Hi Philip,
thank you for sending the files; it turns out that a variable in your stylesheet is testing the input file name to end with '.xml', but the name of the file that Saxon receives is actually stored in its short 8.3 name, and so it ends with '.XML'.
You should probably work on the result of a call to lower-case().
Subject:Trouble getting my xsl scenario with saxon off the ground Author:Philip Young Date:24 May 2007 03:57 PM
I made a change to my XSL file (sent to your email address) after reading the answer to my question in your forum. The stylesheet now accepts a file extension of 'XML' as well as 'xml'. But I got the error below when I attempted to run the transformation in Stylus Studio 2007 R2. I then transferred the files to my Linux system where the transformation completed correctly with saxon-sa v8.9. I actually tried it twice with filenames singleMatch.XML and singleMatch.xml.
java.lang.ClassCastException: net.sf.saxon.expr.CastExpression
at com.exln.stylus.CSaxon8Driver.entry(
at com.stylusstudio.debugger.saxon.DebugTracer.enter(
at net.sf.saxon.instruct.TraceWrapper.evaluateItem(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.ValueComparison.effectiveBooleanValue(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.IfExpression.iterate(
at net.sf.saxon.instruct.TraceWrapper.iterate(
at net.sf.saxon.instruct.TraceWrapper.iterate(
... lots more
Subject:Trouble getting my xsl scenario with saxon off the ground Author:(Deleted User) Date:25 May 2007 05:50 AM
Hi Philip,
thanks for reporting this error; the cause is in the xs:int(...) contained in some XPath expressions. The fix will be available in the next update of Stylus.