Subject:saxon 8.9 include path resolution error in 2007 R2 Enterprise Author:Kurt Wald Date:16 May 2007 12:43 PM Originally Posted: 16 May 2007 10:22 AM
the mechanism for the resolution of relative paths in xsl:include statements seems to be broken (at least) for the Saxon 8.9 processor implementation in Stylus Studio 2007 R2 Enterprise (see patherr.jpg). Using a native Saxon 8.9B as custom processor works ok.
Subject:saxon 8.9 include path resolution error in 2007 R2 Enterprise Author:Goetz Heller Date:17 May 2007 06:25 PM
Hi Kurt, it appears that a kind of HTML escaping with URLs needs to be undone, but that this does not work - maybe the stylus developers forgot this point on their agenda. If you replace the character sequence %7E with a simple ~ (tilde) and copy the path to the explorer navigation field, then press ENTER, the explorer will go to to this directory immediately. The tilde sign is used frequently in converting file names to 8.3 compatible names, which stems from the (not so) good old DOS days. The problem is that I can't fix this bug.
For me it is quite frustrating that I have to revert to the previous version of stylus studio, since the correct working of path resolution is essential for my development.
Subject:saxon 8.9 include path resolution error in 2007 R2 Enterprise Author:Goetz Heller Date:17 May 2007 07:08 PM
Hi Kurt,
while scanning other threads in this forum I found a hint which solves the problem: In the Scenario Properties dialog, uncheck "Use Stylus Studio URI Resolver".
Subject:saxon 8.9 include path resolution error in 2007 R2 Enterprise Author:Goetz Heller Date:17 May 2007 07:56 PM
Hi Kurt,
the solution I proposed generates new problems: all transformations now run without error messages, but the resulting files are stored in the Stylus bin directory instead of the project directory. When I load the project into the old version of Stylus Studio, everything is fine - it works as before, and the unchecked check boxes apparently have no effect.
Subject:saxon 8.9 include path resolution error in 2007 R2 Enterprise Author:(Deleted User) Date:18 May 2007 03:44 AM
we are investigating the problem, and what we have found is that the behavior only occurs when using a JVM 1.6 (it looks that it doesn't handle properly short path names); using a JVM 1.5 doesn't trigger the error.
Goetz, could you tell us about the files in the 'bin' directory? Would it be possible for you to send us a testcase (even privately, to the e-mail
Subject:saxon 8.9 include path resolution error in 2007 R2 Enterprise Author:Goetz Heller Date:18 May 2007 04:36 AM
Hi Alberto,
it's o.k. Please be patient: The documents I'm working on are highly confidential; so let me prepare a test case for you. I hope to have enough time this weekend.
Subject:saxon 8.9 include path resolution error in 2007 R2 Enterprise Author:Kurt Wald Date:18 May 2007 06:19 AM Originally Posted: 18 May 2007 06:11 AM
Hi Alberto,
thanks for the information, which leads me to another question. Why has the option of specifying a runtime library/JDK home directory under Java Virtual Machine options been replaced by a dropdown only showing installed JRE's/JDK's. I use a number of java environments not installed on but copied to the machine. Could you consider to make the former options available again (perhaps as an alternative to dropdown selection)?
One remark concerning output to the Stylus Studio bin directory. I remember, that using an xsl:result-document href without path information also placed the output in the Stylus Studio bin directory in previous versions.
Subject:saxon 8.9 include path resolution error in 2007 R2 Enterprise Author:(Deleted User) Date:21 May 2007 02:18 PM
Hi Kurt,
the rationale behind using a combo box was that having two different pieces of informations (location of the runtime library and jre executable) ended up being set to the wrong (or mismatched) values.
You could work around this by directly editing the registry keys used by Stylus Studio (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Stylus Studio\2007 XML Enterprise Suite Release 2\Runtime Settings), or you could create the proper registry settings used to advertise the available JVMs (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment, just create a subkey named after the version, with a JavaHome and a RuntimeLib string values).