Subject:Can't drag field delimiter Author:Glenn Crumpley Date:14 May 2007 07:02 PM
I am creating a text to XML transformation from an an EDI-style input file with fixed-length records (it is not a standard EDI file). Each record has a different field layout. After defining the location of the fields, I wanted to move the beginning location of one by dragging the orange field indicator line. When I make the record active by clicking the box in the left margin of the editor, the double-headed arrow cursor appears when I hover over the orange field indicator line, but I cannot drag it. I understand this is supposed to be possible. Any help?
Subject:Can't drag field delimiter Author:Tony Lavinio Date:15 May 2007 09:35 AM
Could you send a copy to
so we could take a look? Let us know also in which row and
which particular field you are trying to resize.
Remember that you can change the width of fields, but
cannot drag the bars across other bars.