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Justin KohlheppSubject: Specifying processor to use with XPath editor
Author: Justin Kohlhepp
Date: 12 Apr 2007 01:14 PM

I figured out how to specify what processor (I want to run against .NET XML) to use when running XSLTs in the debugger using the scenarios. However, I want to test some XPath statements and I'm finding that sometimes the XPath will match in the XPath Query Editor but will fail to match in the XSLT because the XSLT is using the .NET XML processor.

Is there any way to make the XPath Query Editor use .NET XML as its processor?


~ Justin

(Deleted User) Subject: Specifying processor to use with XPath editor
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 13 Apr 2007 04:17 AM
Hi Justin,
the processor used by the XPath window is not configurable, but queries should not issue different results. Can you post an example of a query behaving differently?


Justin KohlheppSubject: Specifying processor to use with XPath editor
Author: Justin Kohlhepp
Date: 13 Apr 2007 10:00 AM
I no longer have the exact query because I hacked around it a different way, but it was something along the lines of /parent[child[@attr]][last()] to get the last parent node with a child with a particular attribute. In the XPath Query window it would match what I wanted to match, and a <template match=""> with that xpath would match when the XSLT debugger was using the built-in processor. But with the .NET processor it would not match.

I found some posts on the net suggesting that the .NET processor has trouble with multiple predicates like in the above.

Thanks for the help,

~ Justin

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