Subject:JAXB java generation doesn't seem to work... Author:bob mano Date:11 Apr 2007 03:53 PM
Installed the Enterprise trial edition.
JRE installed : 1.6.0
Java settings verified in Tools->Options
Created a new schema which is valid and well-formed; tried invoking "Generate Java Binding classes" and got the following error:
Launching "" -jar "C:\Program Files\Stylus Studio 2007 XML Enterprise Suite\bin\lib\jaxb\jaxb\lib\jaxb-xjc.jar" -d <outputDirectory> -p myproj "file:///c:/Project/PurchaseOrder.xsd"...
Subject:JAXB java generation doesn't seem to work... Author:Tony Lavinio Date:12 Apr 2007 07:39 AM
It looks like Java isn't registered properly. Go to the
Tools|Options|JVM Settings page, and make sure that the
external Java commands are set properly.