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Chidambaram ArunachalamSubject: How to pass EDIFACT as parameter to get XML message as response using Java code and EDI Adapter (not through the flat file way)
Author: Chidambaram Arunachalam
Date: 29 Mar 2007 05:41 AM
Hello Team,

We are in a process of providing the B2B Solution to our customer.
Our requirement: we need to expose a webservice through which the partner system will send us the EDI message as part of the payload (a lengthy string). And the same has to be converted/ mapped to a customized XSD Schema to generate a XML object. Then this XML Object will be passed to the set of application processes for validation and further transaction.

So in short the Stylus Studio EDI Adapters would be a right fit, whereas I need to know how could I pass the EDIFACT payload to the java classes (generated through Stylus Studio) and in return receive the XML message?.

The Question:

When I go through sode the example, it expects the flat files

StreamSource input = new StreamSource(exampleDir + "one.csv");
StreamResult output = new StreamResult(exampleDir + "one.xml");

Instead we need to pass the entire payload and receive the entire XML message as output (in memory and not through flat file).

Kindly advice.


Tony LavinioSubject: How to pass EDIFACT as parameter to get XML message as response using Java code and EDI Adapter (not through the flat file way)
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 29 Mar 2007 08:56 AM
In going from EDI to XML there are many choices.
You can use ByteArrayInputStream and ByteArrayOutputStreams
within your Source and Result objects. Actually, for the
output, you could write to a StringWriter or even a SAX

Chidambaram ArunachalamSubject: How to pass EDIFACT as parameter to get XML message as response using Java code and EDI Adapter (not through the flat file way)
Author: Chidambaram Arunachalam
Date: 01 Apr 2007 05:11 AM
Hello Tony Lavinio,

I am trying to do as you suggest...

Thanks for your response.

In case if I need anything more I will seek help from you.


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