Subject:conrext lost with xslt 2.0 for-each-group Author:Kurt Wald Date:24 Mar 2007 03:47 PM Originally Posted: 24 Mar 2007 03:46 PM
when working with xsl:for-each-group (XSLT 2.0), the context seems to be lost when dragging from a source element, which definitely belongs to the group. The select attribute created is eather empty or contains an absolute xpath expression.
Subject:conrext lost with xslt 2.0 for-each-group Author:(Deleted User) Date:26 Mar 2007 11:26 AM
Hi Kurt,
I double checked in Stylus Studio 2007 bl735f, and if I create a for-each-group, connect its 'select' and 'output' ports, then drag a source node that's a child of the node connected to the 'select' port to a target node that is child of the node connected to the 'output' port, the code being generated is using a relative path. Can you gather a test case that shows the problem?
Subject:conrext lost with xslt 2.0 for-each-group Author:(Deleted User) Date:27 Mar 2007 05:12 AM
Hi Kurt,
could you send us all the involved files? Without having at least the Z_SHPMNT05.dtd and EDIFACT_IFTMIN_96A.xsd schemas I cannot switch to the mapper tab (if you don't want to publish them on a public forum, send them to