Subject:MSXML 6 properties resolveExternals and AllowXsltScript Author:Doug Domeny Date:23 Mar 2007 06:31 PM
How do I set
resolveExternals = true
setProperty("AllowXsltScript", true)
for MSXML 6 in StylusStudio?
I have XSLTs that include/import and use msxsl for script. The XSLTs run fine with MSXML 4 and .NET, but resolveExternals and AllowXsltScript default to 'false' for MSXML 6. I need to set them 'true' to use the MSXML 6 parser in StylusStudio 2006 XML Enterprise Edition.
Subject:MSXML 6 properties resolveExternals and AllowXsltScript Author:(Deleted User) Date:26 Mar 2007 10:56 AM
Hi Doug,
the property 'AllowXsltScript' has always been enabled; as for resolveExternals, it is enabled since Stylus Studio 2006 rel. 3.
Can you try downloading v.2006 R3 and check if your stylesheet works?