Subject:Mapping XSD Author:(Deleted User) Date:15 Mar 2007 01:00 PM
Hi Kevin,
you can associate the data to preview by entering the file name in the scenario dialog. If you don't have a sample file you can use the document wizard "XML Schema to XML" as a starting point.
Subject:Mapping XSD Author:(Deleted User) Date:16 Mar 2007 05:14 AM
Hi Kevin,
an XSLT stylesheet must be applied to an XML file, even if you created it by reading an XSD. If you are designing a mapping you can work on data generated by a generator, but in the end you will have to run the conversion on real data.
What happens if the schema changes? Well, if the changes are limited to the location of nodes, or to their cardinality, it could be that the XSLT still works; if the changes are more structural (nodes added/removed/renamed) you will have to change your stylesheet accordingly.