Subject:Line-oriented region problem in CSV file Author:Rick Scofield Date:22 Feb 2007 05:49 PM Originally Posted: 22 Feb 2007 05:44 PM
Hello there,
I have a issue with a conversion adapter that I created that defines four regions within a CSV file. The reason for the regions is that I only want to output some of the fields (not all) and some regions have more than one delimiter type.
My issue is that the conversion looks fine when used with the R1VCHT.csv file, however when you view the conversion with the R1VADI.csv you get a different picture, and even a different view with the R2VADI.csv file. The regions are define as Line-oriented with the CR,LF as Line Terminator. These are not fixed length input files so why do the regions look diffferent for every input file.
Please advise, I have atteched the RproPO.conv and three CSV input files.
Subject:Line-oriented region problem in CSV file Author:Tony Lavinio Date:23 Feb 2007 11:21 AM
Regions are fixed in size.
Instead of regions, you should be using patterns.
You can have a different row layout based on what the row matches.
So, you could have one layout for rows that begin with "H",...
and another for each type.
Subject:Line-oriented region problem in CSV file Author:Rick Scofield Date:27 Feb 2007 12:34 AM
Thanks Tony, I'll give that a try. Seems like I could define different fields and delimters based on the pattern match at the start of the row. I also did not want to output everything in the file which lead me to defining regions. That way I could omit certin sections/fields within the region.