Subject:SS becomes unusable... Author:Eduardo Sobrino Date:08 Feb 2007 10:20 AM
I have been using SS 2007 E. and think it is great. Still, while working with "large" xsd's it becomes unusable since each time you save or validate one of those files it takes forever.
I like to be able to save a file and understand what it is doing that takes so much time (in the order of various minutes). I like to turn off the wonderfull feature that don't allow me to work quickly.
Hope that someone do know something about this issue...
Subject:SS becomes unusable... Author:Minollo I. Date:08 Feb 2007 10:29 AM
how big is the XML Schema you are mentioning? Any chance you can zip it up and mail it to so that we can understand if there is something we can do to address the problem you are seeing?
Subject:SS becomes unusable... Author:Eduardo Sobrino Date:09 Feb 2007 05:56 AM
While working with GJXDM SS hardly allows you to work on it since any action triggers some process that you need to way for a few minutes, for example, if you switch from Diagram to Tree you must wait, if you press the Ctrl-S (to save) you must wait, and sort of...
It is pretty bad since I need to start supporting NIEM v1.0 that is substantially bigger than GJXDM and I don't see my self working under this conditions.