Subject:Call Web Service, Nothing return in Preview Author:Wen Ruan Date:07 Feb 2007 02:38 PM
I started using Stylus Studio to test Web service. I loaded WSDL file and passed parameter value. After I ran "Send Request", nothing happened in preview. I went to output view and got errors. I don't know what to do with these errors. Any settings I will have to check or reset? Please help and thank you!
Subject:Call Web Service, Nothing return in Preview Author:Wen Ruan Date:07 Feb 2007 03:59 PM
We are working on the project integrating one public Web site with Siebel (a CRM application). From Siebel, I have a web service up running. I used to have trial version of Stylus and did simple query by Id. I am sure that web service is working fine. We have been through testing phase and don't see issues. We had moved to all web services to production. At same time, we purchased Stylus Enterprise as a tool to have real-time testing. We want to make sure there are no issues with web services before users get into the web site to hit Siebel web service. Please see the attached WSDL, one for Dev, one for Production. Thanks, - Wen
Subject:Call Web Service, Nothing return in Preview Author:Wen Ruan Date:14 Feb 2007 11:45 AM
Thank you for the information!
I read some documents. I was wondering what is file format for the certificates? do I need to install any other software to enable SSL certificates? Thanks!
Subject:Call Web Service, Nothing return in Preview Author:Wen Ruan Date:15 Feb 2007 11:34 AM
I generated the binary file and copied the SSL certificate file to c:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2\bin. I got error message using Keytool : (The system cannot find the file specified) when I ran the command. The command line I used is : keytool -import -file cacerts -keypass changeit -storepass changeit. Would you please help me withe the issue? Thanks a lot!
Subject:Call Web Service, Nothing return in Preview Author:Wen Ruan Date:16 Feb 2007 11:17 AM
It looks like the issue to recognize the location of certificate. I have generated the certificate from production environment. Production is trusted site. I placed the file under the default location. When I ran the command, I identified the full path of JRE keystore