Subject:Getting "Type not found" error when entering WSDL URL Author:David Solis Date:26 Jan 2007 08:24 PM
When I try to create a new web service call, I enter the URL for the location of the WSDL and hit the return key. However, the soap envelope does not display the operations for the WSDL. Instead I get a message stating "Type not found". It seems the data types in my WSDL are not found and the message envelope below is diplayed instead. I can access the WSDL thru the browser so I know it's available. Are there any options that I need to choose StylusStudio or a step I'm missing when I'm composing the web service call?
Subject:Getting "Type not found" error when entering WSDL URL Author:David Solis Date:29 Jan 2007 02:04 PM
Attached is the WSDL file. You will not be able to get it using the URL because it is behind a firewall. When I try to load the WSDL via the URL, the "Type not found" error appears several times stating that some of the datatypes cannot be found.