Subject:Installation issue for Stylus Studio 2007 EE: license not valid Author:Judy Chandler Date:24 Jan 2007 05:35 PM
My company has purchased licenses for Stylus Studio 2007 EE, and all of these licenses are currently in use. I am receiving an upgraded computer, and need to transfer Stylus Studio to the new machine. Can you let me know what is needed in order to get the product licensed properly on the new machine? Our support team tried the installation on the new machine, but the existing license number was being reported as invalid.
Subject:Installation issue for Stylus Studio 2007 EE: license not valid Author:Minollo I. Date:24 Jan 2007 05:43 PM
If it's reported as *invalid*, then it means you are trying to activate a Stylus Studio version or edition that doesn't match the activation key.
What usually happen in these cases is that you are prompted to contact us, as the number of users who activated the same key exceeded the licensed users for that same key.
In either case, can you please email the activation key you are using to, and possibly attach a screenshot or a precise description of the error message you receive when trying to activate?