Subject:XML not validating against its own Schema Author:Nitesh J Date:20 Dec 2006 09:43 PM
We have generated the schema of one of out objects and then also generated an xml for that container. Theoretically, there is no reason why the two would be out of synch considerring the XML was generated from the schema.
However, when we validate in Stylus Studio we get an error saying that the XML is not valid against the schema. Others (e.g. XML spy are saying that the XML is valid against the schema). Why is this happening.
Subject:XML not validating against its own Schema Author:Nitesh J Date:21 Dec 2006 03:21 AM
Thanks for getting back to me.
Since the schema and XML are generated by Siebel - I have raised a support request with them to find why they are defining namespaces in such a way so as to cause this problem. They are investigating this. Initial response was that when they validate using XML Spy they got no errors. However, SS was giving errore.
We do not want to manually have to edit those files are we are dealing with 100 or so XSDs.
Will let you know how it progresses with Siebel support.
Subject:XML not validating against its own Schema Author:Minollo I. Date:21 Dec 2006 09:21 AM
Just to make this clear: this is not a Stylus vs. other products issue; this is a matter of relying on a conformant XML Schema validation engine or not.
Stylus Studio relies by default on Apache Xerces C++ for schema validation; and from inside Stylus Studio you can check how other validation engines behave (just click on the down arrow next to the Validate button): Saxonica Saxon SA, Apache XercesJ, MSXML, .NET... they will all advise you that your XML is not valid against the XML Schema you provided.