Subject:Strip whitespace on saving Author:Vasil Rangelov Date:15 Oct 2006 06:24 AM Originally Posted: 15 Oct 2006 06:23 AM
I love to see my code in a hierarchy when I'm editing it, but considering the somehow big the stylesheets sometime can get, I would really try to concentrate on small things for file size's sake.
One thing that could help with file size I think is if Stylus Studio has the ability to save documents with white space being stripped and reindent the code when opened. This will ensure both smaller file size on use and readability on editing.
For the saving option I think a checkbox on the Save As window and/or an option in the Tools>Options... menu would do perfectly. And for the auto-indent on opening, with no doubt an option somewhere in the General part of the Tools>Options... menu.
Of course, on typical cases like CDATA sections, xsl:text element and xml:space="preserve", such stripping should not be done though.
Subject:Strip whitespace on saving Author:Vasil Rangelov Date:17 Oct 2006 09:25 AM Originally Posted: 17 Oct 2006 07:31 AM
I see your point. Would this work?
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output indent="no"/>
<xsl:template match="/|*">
Anyway, having such a feature built in Stylus Studio would certanly speed things up when editing. I mean, I wouldn't like to run this transformation everytime I edit a large XSLT file, which was previously stripped and then re-indented with Stylus Studio's feature.
Which, by the way, makes me realize where have I posted this topic. Sorry. It should have been in the "Stylus Studio Feature Requests" category.