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Bart McLeodSubject: invalid key when trying to install
Author: Bart McLeod
Date: 06 Oct 2006 04:50 AM
Originally Posted: 06 Oct 2006 04:49 AM
Hi everyone,

I purchased Stylus Studio enterprise edition and received a key by e-mail.

I'm probably doing something VERY stupid, but really: the activation box simply rejects the key as invalid even BEFORE checking it on the server.

I installed a trial version before with a different key: is that the cause?

I tried uninstalling the trial and reinstalling the download exe (which have the same name... so no difference expected). After that, the key is still rejected.

Yesterday the server at stylus experienced a LOT of problems, so re-activating using the trial key was difficult, but I finally managed to activate it.

So I feel I spent $595 on a trial now... Hope someone knows a solution, since the service aware people at stylus do not answer my e-mails...

Kind regards,

Bart McLeod

Minollo I.Subject: invalid key when trying to install
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 06 Oct 2006 08:53 AM
can you contact stylusstudio@stylusstudio.com, or 781-280-4295. They will be able to help you out with this problem.

Glenn MeadowsSubject: invalid key when trying to install
Author: Glenn Meadows
Date: 06 Oct 2006 04:58 PM
Hi Bart,

I had the same issue with my SS 2007 Enterprise that I just bought.

I had to uninstall the trial version, reboot, install the purchased
version and apply the key.

Then it was happy...

- Glenn

Bart McLeodSubject: invalid key when trying to install
Author: Bart McLeod
Date: 16 Oct 2006 04:29 AM
Hi Glenn,

I tried your solution, but it not work. And I still get no answers from stylus (from there support e-mail).

Time to use there money back garantee before it expires?


Bart McLeod

Minollo I.Subject: invalid key when trying to install
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 16 Oct 2006 09:10 AM
our sales department can't find any message from you; did you email stylusstudio@stylusstudio.com, or call 781-280-4295?

Bart McLeodSubject: invalid key when trying to install
Author: Bart McLeod
Date: 16 Oct 2006 04:19 PM
I sent e-mail on the day of purchase and today. Maybe it gets stuck in a spam filter? I did not call the phone number today, because you are on the other side of the world and I guessed calling you at 4 am would not yield much of a valid key. Besides, you should be able to track the e-mail you sent to confirm my purchase. In this e-mail, you will find the invalid key, so you can try it yourself. At the very least, you could simply send me a key that has proven to be valid, so that I can check if the problem persists (in which case it will probably be related to the previous install of the trial version).

I will try to call you now though, I guess it is 10:00 am now on your side of the globe...

Kind regards,

Bart McLeod

Minollo I.Subject: invalid key when trying to install
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 16 Oct 2006 04:29 PM
Not sure where you are, but we are EDT; it's 4:30pm now.

Anyway, I'm forwarding this information to our sales folks.

Bart McLeodSubject: invalid key when trying to install
Author: Bart McLeod
Date: 16 Oct 2006 04:33 PM
Ok, so calling them worked just fine. Got the right key with one phone call. Somehow, wrong keys have been sent out to a few people. So if you are out there, experiencing the same problem: just give them a call and they will fix it for you.

Good luck to you all,

Bart McLeod

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