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Trygve LorentzenSubject: Automation in .NET/WebService project
Author: Trygve Lorentzen
Date: 26 Sep 2006 09:45 AM

we are developing a Customs declaration solution in .NET with webservices and XML datasets. We are currently investigating alternatives to our inhouse EDIFACT creation code. Our code will be run in a .NET webservice where the clients will send their completed and error checked customs data in strongly typed .NET XML datasets. Hence the webservice will need to map the XML to CUSDEC (or a subset thereof) EDIFACT messages and write that EDIFACT to disk for transmitting to different countries EDI processing central.

From what I've read so far Stylus Studio seems like an good solution, but it needs to be able to run in an automated environment. Also, what is the best solution for mapping the XML-dataset to EDIFACT? Should a new XML doc be created which is similar to the "schema" of the EDIFACT or could the XML-dataset be mapped directly?

Hope for quick and informative replys, thanks in advance :)

Trygve Lorentzen

Ivan PedruzziSubject: Automation in .NET/WebService project
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 26 Sep 2006 12:35 PM

The approach in principle would be to transform (via XSLT) the XML fragment extracted from SOAP message into the EDIFACT XML representation hooking the XSLT processor output into our EDI converter.

To design the XSLT you could use the Stylus Studio visual XML to XML mapping tool.

That would have been easy if you were deploying on Java.

The adapters library for .NET is currently in development.

Hope this helps
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

Trygve LorentzenSubject: Automation in .NET/WebService project
Author: Trygve Lorentzen
Date: 27 Sep 2006 08:29 AM
>The approach in principle
>would be to transform (via
>XSLT) the XML fragment
>extracted from SOAP message
>into the EDIFACT XML
>representation hooking the
>XSLT processor output into our
>EDI converter.
>To design the XSLT you could
>use the Stylus Studio visual
>XML to XML mapping tool.
>That would have been easy if
>you were deploying on Java.
>The adapters library for .NET
>is currently in development.
>Hope this helps
>Ivan Pedruzzi
>Stylus Studio Team

So this means we're probably better off creating our EDIFACT messages in code (which we're already come far with). But we could still use your product to parse incoming EDIFACT messages and convert them to EDIFACT XML for much simplified data handling. We could later implement the last step of converting the EDIFACT XML to MS DataSet XML when that feature is available from you.

Best regards,
Trygve Lorentzen

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