Subject:Deploying java app using deployment adapters Author:david mcdonnell Date:11 Sep 2006 09:21 AM
Hi I am trying to deploy my java app that I created using Stylus Studio 2006 XML 3 Enterprise Edition, I have the Deployment adapters package installed and have copied over the xquery file, the conv file and the java source file. I have also intalled the Java SDK latest version and the JRE latest version and have set all environment variables for the classpaths and paths. But when I try to compile my java app it cannot find any of the libraries that are I import. This works fine with the enterprise edition on a different server. Can you help please? Cheers David
Here is a print out of some of the errors I get when compiling.
Subject:Deploying java app using deployment adapters Author:(Deleted User) Date:11 Sep 2006 10:26 AM
Your .java source file will contain, near the top, a comment which lists all the .jars you need to compile and run. The error messages you gave us indicate that you need CustomFileSystem.jar and one of saxon8.jar or saxon8sa.jar (It depends on which jar you have in your installation), and perhaps some others.
When you compile, make sure your javac command contains -classpath "..." with a ; delimited list of jar names between the " marks.
You MUST include the " marks, because the classpath probably contains embedded blanks.
When you run, you will need the same -classpath "..."
Subject:Deploying java app using deployment adapters Author:david mcdonnell Date:11 Sep 2006 10:30 AM
Hi thanks I had sorted it out just before you replied thanks, the actual saxon library names have to be included with the full path to the bin folder in the classpath not just the path to the bin folder where the libraries reside.