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Doug HoopleSubject: WSDL files
Author: Doug Hoople
Date: 29 Aug 2006 11:15 PM
Is it really possible that the only way to view a WSDL file is by setting up a WSCC file and modeling a Web Service call? There are so many ways that WSDL files get used as plain XML (as input for documentation, for example) that the WSCC ends up covering only a thin slice of what's required.

Is there a way to map the .wsdl extension to be able to use the XML editing facilities, or a way to read a WSDL file as a WSDL file just for browsing? Better yet, is there a way to manage multi-part WSDL files (xsd imports, endpoint references, etc.)?

Am I missing something obvious? Stylus Studio is such an awesome tool, I'd be surprised that WSCC is the whole WSDL story. Since I spend more time in WSDL files than just about any other kind of XML file, I personally find my ability to use Stylus limited.

Doug Hoople

Ivan PedruzziSubject: WSDL files
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 29 Aug 2006 11:36 PM

Hi Doug,

You can edit WSDL documents using the XML editor; if you like you can associate the .wsdl file extension to the XML editor, see
Options - General - File Types.

Using the XML Tree view may help to focus on the section you are operating on.

We are collecting opinions to plan additional work on this area;
Which kind of WSDL editing/rendering capabilities you would like to see?

Thank You for your help
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

Doug HoopleSubject: WSDL files
Author: Doug Hoople
Date: 30 Aug 2006 08:16 PM

Thanks for a LIGHTNING response!

In partial answer to your question, editing WSDL as a first-class distinct file type, with diagrammatic layout of the major sections (service,port,porttype,message,etc.) and navigation among them. Several tools already do this (mostly in the IDEs like WebSphere, Eclipse, JDeveloper). This is generally pretty straightforward, but it can be complicated by the WSDL being declared in multiple parts spread across two or more files. BPEL and ESB endpoint extensions pose a challenge here, too.

Less obvious, but exceptionally useful, would be the ability to edit a WSDL file as though it's an XSD file. I don't know any editor that does this today, so this would be a differentiator. All modern WSDL files have embedded XSD schemas. Currently, the only way to get an XSD view of a schema in a WSDL file is to copy and paste the extracted schema into a tempfile, which is hardly satisfactory. The XSD editor would have to ignore the WSDL elements and focus on the XSD schema elements. This is complicated by the fact that the WSDL could contain more than one schema, so the editor would have to provide a choice of which xsd to edit when there is more than one. It's also complicated by the possibility that the XSD is imported (fairly rare until recently, but now a core feature in many WSDL processors), something that your catalog feature should be a natural for.

As I think of other editing possibilities, I'll drop them off.


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